Food is anything people and other animals eat to get the energy they need to live. It is a mixture of fats, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Most of the food we eat comes from plants and animals, but it can also come from bacteria, molds, yeasts, and other microorganisms. People eat foods by chewing and digesting them. Food gives people energy for physical activities and other important processes, such as thinking and learning.
Before the invention of agriculture and animal husbandry, prehistoric humans had to hunt or gather their food. During this time, different cultures developed distinct types of food. People also began to process and preserve their food, so that it would last longer. This was a big step in the evolution of human civilizations.
Today, most people eat a variety of foods from all over the world. This includes foods that are grown in their own region and other foods that have been imported from distant places. Imported foods often change the original flavor of the food and sometimes introduce new ingredients. People can also store and preserve food at home by freezing, drying, salting, smoking, or pickling.
A person can eat many different kinds of food, including vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, meats, dairy products, and legumes (beans and lentils). Each kind of food contains specific nutrients that the body needs to function properly. For example, whole grains provide dietary fiber, which helps with digestion and can reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that are essential for good health. Nuts and seeds are a source of protein. Meat, fish, and eggs supply the body with protein and iron. Milk and other dairy products provide calcium, which is needed for healthy bones.
Most people eat processed foods at some time in their lives. Some examples of processed foods are canned or frozen soups, packaged dinners, and sliced or roasted vegetables. Some processed foods contain added chemicals to improve their appearance, taste, or shelf life. In general, it is best to eat unprocessed or minimally processed foods.
Some religions have rules about what kinds of food a person can eat. For example, Jewish people must follow kosher laws when preparing and eating food. These laws regulate the types of meat that can be eaten and how it is prepared. The Seventh-day Adventist Church recommends vegetarianism. Other religions have taboos against eating certain foods, such as beef. People who pay tribute to Guan Yin, the mother goddess of Chinese Buddhism, may not eat beef because her father has the shape of a cow. Other taboos are based on culture or local customs. Many dishes that are considered to be part of a nation’s cuisine were invented by immigrants who brought their recipes from their homelands to the cities. For example, chicken tikka masala was created by an immigrant from Pakistan.